Our Partners

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From the Community: For the Community

At iB Construction, our commitment extends beyond construction; it’s about actively participating in and uplifting the community. We’re proud to be associated with esteemed foundations and organizations that share our values and dedication to making a difference. Our valued partnerships include:

Children’s Miracle Network

Partnering with the Children’s Miracle Network allows us to contribute to the well-being of children in our community. Through our association, we support vital healthcare services and initiatives that positively impact the lives of children and families.

Golisano’s Children’s Hospital

iB Construction stands with Golisano’s Children’s Hospital in their mission to provide exceptional healthcare services to children in need. Our partnership is a testament to our commitment to fostering better health outcomes for our community’s youngest members.

Lee Health Foundation

The Lee Health Foundation’s initiatives align with our vision of community wellness. Through our collaboration, we support various healthcare programs and endeavors that strive to enhance the quality of life for individuals in southwest Florida.

Smiles for Children

iB Construction is proud to collaborate with Smiles for Children, an organization dedicated to providing comprehensive dental care to underserved children. Our partnership reinforces our commitment to holistic community well-being.

Our involvement with these esteemed organizations reflects our deep-rooted commitment to being an active contributor to the welfare and prosperity of our community. It’s through these partnerships that we foster meaningful change and make a positive impact on lives.

Let’s Start Building

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